Ensuring Safety and Quality: Material and Construction Updates

At EXILE, we take pride in providing top-quality parachutes that our customers can trust. We continually strive for excellence in every aspect of our products.

To further enhance the longevity, strength, and overall quality of our parachutes, we have recently made updates to our materials and manufacturing processes. These improvements are designed to ensure the utmost reliability and safety for our customers. Our updates yield a canopy with strength that greatly exceeds industry standards.

Below is a brief overview of recent updates:

Firstly, we have switched tape/webbing suppliers. Our new supplier is a leader in military parachute materials and is manufactured right here in America. All of our tapes/webbings come with certifications and test reports for each and every roll. These materials are all PIA and/or MIL spec.

Line Attachment Points: We have changed our line attachment points from a 3/4” tape (400lb tensile strength) to a 1” tape that yields a tensile strength of 600 lbs. We are using Mil-W-4088K Class 1 (Life Critical) tapes throughout all sizes of Gryphus.

Leading Edge Construction: We have increased all tapes on the leading edge from the industry standard 3/8” tape (200 lb tensile strength) to a beefier 9/16” tape rated for 500lbs. This update effectively doubles the strength of the leading edge, which takes the most abuse on openings.

Center Cell Leading Edge reinforcements: On our larger canopies (260-300), we have added an extra 3/8” tape at the A-line attachment point, which runs up the rib. The innermost A and B lines take more shock during deployments than the other line groups. For this reason, we wanted to include extra peace of mind by adding even more reinforcements in this area.

Bridle Attachment Point & Bridle Attachment Reinforcements: Our bridle attachment point is now made from Mil-W-4088k 1” tape that is doubled up and triple Bar-Tacked. We are using a Class 1 tape here which has double woven edges. The double woven edges better resist wear and remain stronger for longer. The internal bridle reinforcement on the center cell is now a 3” Nylon tape with a 900lb tensile strength. Unlike many other manufacturers that only run their bridle reinforcements through the center cell, we run ours through the center 3 cells to ensure loads are equally dispersed during the deployment sequence.

Tail Pocket Reinforcement: We have decided to add some extra tapes within our tail pockets after seeing some wear on our older canopies. This is normal as lines are rubbing the tail pocket during deployment. We simply added tape as a “cover” to prevent any rubbing on the actual tail pocket itself. This will allow customers to simply replace this tape, rather than the entire tail pocket if it ever shows signs of wear. We also added 3” nylon tapes internally for even more longevity.

And as always, we continue to use American-Made Dacron lines, Mil-spec Nylon Tex 70 threads, and fabrics from Porcher Sports, France.

Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities. We want you to feel confident in the performance of our parachutes, knowing that they are crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail.

As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Your input is invaluable to us as we strive to exceed your expectations.

Thank you for choosing EXILE.


Chase Reinford


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